Kyrios ark world is an employer known for providing equitable & sustained opportunities to all its new recruits and incumbent employees. We do not discriminate against staff or eligible applicants for posts on the grounds of gender, marital status, race, color, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation. Customer orientation and employee empowerment through effective training is attached highest priority in our company.
Every possible step will be taken to ensure that staff are treated equally and fairly and that decisions on recruitment, selection, training, promotion and career management are based solely on objective and job related criteria. We are committed to creating a culture where individual sentiments are valued and respected.
For Jobs, please contact our HR through
Office Address:
No: B1 B' Block
4th Street Venkateshwara Nagar, Venkata Villa, StepStone Building, Kishkintha Main Road
Tambaram West
Chennai,TamilNadu – 600 045
Phone: 044-22512261
Call: 9884637077